This Event was held at the Florida International Rally & Motorsport Park (FIRM) in the town of Starke FL, a town located about 5 hours away from Autobruder 4wd Store - Miami.
on March 25 and 26, 2017. This event counted with the presence of the ARB trademark and the 4x4 accessories stores: Autobruder 4wd Store, who as sponsors of the event were in charge of giving a warm welcome to the participants and the customers during the show, this meeting for lovers of the Offroad counted with the presence of more than 250 vehicles and a large number of spectators, who were able to test the different trails of the place; Which put to test the skills of the pilots and the versatility of the machines. The truth is a big event in the full extent of the word, since in one place we could enjoy what we like most (offroad and overland).

Finally, this Location is recommended to true 4x4 lovers in Florida: 7266 Airport Rd Starke Fl 32091. (FIRM)